Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Steak Tartare

My good buddy, Andrew, simply loves steak tartare. Steak tartare is usually a dish of raw beef; though in some countries it can be of raw horse meat. I think steak tartare is easy to prepare. You just have to chop the raw beef very finely and then marinate it with wine and add lots of spices like pepper, tartare sauce. Add in a raw egg and mix with onions and capers.

The first time I taken steak tartare was in 2006 in Beaune, Burgundy. We were having dinner at a restaurant (can’t remember the name but I know the location) and good old Andrew ordered the steak tartare. Me being blurrrrrr at that time, followed him. I can tell you that, goodness me, I took a long time to even complete a quarter of it. I don’t understand why he loved it. How could one eats totally raw beef????? I am okay with beef done raw, medium raw etc but definitely not “tartare” style! I remembered trying to do a Mr Bean on the tartare dish which brought smiles to the rest on the table. The chef even came to question me if there was anything wrong with the dish. Luckily we had lots of other dishes, so I told him I was very full.

Understand that the dish “steak tartare” come from the Tartar people of Central Asia. They did not have time to cook their beef so they place the beef under the saddles of their horses. By the time they finished their journey, the beef is finely tenderised.

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